Saturday, March 21, 2009

Small scrapes

As part of my 'pick-myself-up-from-appendicitis' efforts, I've been seriously thinking about the macbook. What? Don't you judge me. I'm hurt and material things lubricate the getting better process.

So today I gave in a little and went to klcc after my check-up, just to take a look at it again. I should have prepared. myself better against the temptations at Machines. I got sidetracked the minute I hobbled into the store - the Macbook Air (1st gen) was being sold off at a ridiculous price!

The commercials were true; that baby weighs about 3 pounds (who needs a disc drive in this day and age anyway?) and thin enough to slip into a manila envelope.

In fact, the evil salesman did give me a faux manila envelope and I happily carried the Macbook Air around the store in my efforts to convince myself to get it. Until I realized I was acting like a total twat and that if I weren't me, I'd hate me.

I admit, I was very tempted. But I managed to slink out the store, with wallet almost intact - I gave up the air and got myself Mursed as a trade-off. But that's a story for another day.

Me: 0.5, Temptation: 0.5

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Anonymous said...

the new macbooks are just.. *sigh*

Corporate Sellout said...

kan? I really am drooling over 'em